• Zhaoxi (Caesar) Zheng
  • PhD student (Alum)
  • University of Queensland

Zhaoxi (Caesar) Zheng’s research interests include sociology, health and illness, and early childhood education and care. Caesar’s project investigates young children’s everyday encounters with death, dying and loss through new materialist and post-humanist lenses. His project advocates for young children’s active participation in social issues that are traditionally considered to be complex and sensitive, such as death and dying. This will hopefully help to promote more open and direct end-of-life communications in a range of settings that involve young children and adults. Caesar’s research aims to bring new understandings to children and childhood, especially around their everyday interactions with digital matters. He hopes children are able to utilise, recognise, and appreciate digital materialities that shapes and shaped by their agency, childhood experiences.

Dr Sally Staton

Earliest digital memory
Dad bought our first computer and games when I was 7. We spent the whole afternoon trying to connect to the internet and it was super slow.