• Professor Veronica Barassi
  • Digital Child blog contributor
  • University of St. Gallen

Professor Veronica Barassi is an anthropologist, and Professor in Media and Communication Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of St. Gallen, as well as the Chair of Media and Culture in the Institute of Media and Communications Management. She researches and writes about the impact of data technologies and artificial intelligence on human rights and democracy. She is the author of Child | Data | Citizen: How Tech Companies are Profiling Us from before Birth (MIT Press, 2020), and I Figli dell’Algoritmo: Sorvegliati, Tracciati e Profiliati dalla Nascita (LUISS Press, 2021) in which she reflects on how she investigated the impact of children’s data traces on their civic rights, and the meaning of a society which ‘datafies’ its citizens from before birth.