• John Curtin Distinguished Professor Leon Straker
  • Chief Investigator
  • Curtin University

John Curtin Distinguished Professor Leon Straker is an international leader in research on technology use and its implications for children’s physical wellbeing. As one of the key instigators of the Centre and initial Co-Leader of the Healthy Child program and now as ongoing Chief Investigator, Leon hopes that his transdisciplinary expertise will contribute to enhanced understandings on how children interact with digital technologies and practical guidance for families, professionals and industry on how to support healthy and positive technology use for children.

Leon brings to the Centre extensive research leadership and project experience, including his role as Scientific Director of the Raine Study, one of the world’s most data rich multi-generational longitudinal family studies. He has received more than $56 million in research funding, including multiple NHMRC and ARC grants on children and technology.

Leon co-authored Early Childhood Australia’s Statement on young children and digital technologies and was lead author on international peer-reviewed guidelines for wise use of both computers and electronic games by children. He is extensively published and cited, with almost 400 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 25,000 Google Scholar citations.

Earliest digital memory
Being envious of my neighbour’s television set – our family didn’t own one for a long time.