• Lucy Bryce
  • Business Support Officer (Alum)
  • University of Queensland

Lucy Bryce spent over 20 years in the marketing industry where she managed large global retail brands and launched many exciting consumer products before switching to the university sector. Over the past 5 years she has built a wealth of knowledge in academic administration and ARC Centre of Excellence experience.  As the UQ Business Support Officer, Lucy is integral to ensuring the Centre’s investigators and students run smoothly, allowing the team to focus on excellence in research output and collaboration.

Lucy has worked with the UQ Digital Child team for over three years now and finds the work they do fascinating and real-world relevant. As a mother of a pre-tween son, Lucy has firsthand experience with learning and digital technologies and has a passion to understand more about how children’s digital experiences can influence or enhance their educational outcomes.

Earliest digital memory
Getting our first (black & white) TV in about 1978, only to be terribly disappointed when we were told it was for the parents only. My siblings and I still managed to sneak into the TV room to watch The Goodies!