• Associate Professor Jessica Mantei
  • Associate Investigator
  • University of Wollongong

Associate Professor Jessica Mantei has expertise in understanding early literacy teaching and learning across a range of educational settings, during transitions between and within those settings, and with a range of resources. Jessica’s research examines the development of proficiency in reading, writing, talking and listening, in digital and paper-based environments and looks to identify pedagogies for improved outcomes for learners. She will contribute to the Educated Child program and its initiatives to examine interactions between and among children, educators and technology with a focus on developing curriculum and pedagogies.

Jessica has published 15 peer reviewed journal articles, and 5 peer reviewed book chapters as well as practitioner focused texts, invited keynotes and national and international conference presentations. Her research collaborations have produced an online reading assessment (ORA, Kervin & Mantei, 2016) used by teachers to understand students’ online reading proficiency, and teaching resources related to conducting reading assessments using eye movement technology and miscue analysis. Her research has engaged practitioner audiences at invited teacher workshops across Australia and has developed extensive networks across educational settings.

Earliest digital memory
Gobbling up all those spots on my Pacman handheld device.