- Philippa Amery
- PhD student
Philippa’s PhD focuses on first-time mothers and their babies to examine the organisation of everyday interactions around mobile device usage, and how mothers account for their everyday digital practices. Data consist of ethnographic observational data methods, including video data of mother-infant interaction, and mothers’ accounts. A feminist ethnomethodological lens will analyse mothers’ everyday practices around mothering and mobile device usage. A central aim of Philippa’s study is to understand what constitutes first-time mothers’ everyday digital practices to provide more nuanced accounts of mother-infant interaction and technology use.
Philippa hopes her work in the Centre will contribute to more readily available information and guidelines for parents to make informed, evidence-based choices around managing and mediating parental mobile device use for optimal child outcomes.
Distinguished Professor Susan Danby
Earliest digital memory
Primary school in the early 90s – we had a Mac in our classroom, and we got to test out a HyperCard “choose your own adventure”-style game the high-schoolers had made. I was so inspired; my sister and I made our own one on our computer at home!