• Dr John Davis
  • Research Fellow
  • Deakin University

Dr John Davis is a proud Murri Ambae man. He is a Traditional Owner of the western sides of Bunya Bunya Mountains, Country we call Boobagarrn Ngumminge. “My people are Cobble Cobble kinnected to Warra and Dalby. We have links directly to the Barunggam and Wakka Wakka people”. John is passionate about our people, our languages and culture and working and moving our ways forward as best practice in education and community development. John is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Lab (Deakin University), an activist, public-facing think-tank rooted in research that leads with the insight that Indigenous Knowledge carries the patterns, systems, methods and protocols to make regenerative models of production, trade, economics, governance and technology function sustainably at scale.

John was former CEO of the Stronger Smarter Institute, an organisation that works with educators to improve the educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. He is a regular media commentator, including regular appearances as a panellist on ABC’s The Drum.