Australian Children of the Digital Age
ACODA is a longitudinal study that aims to provide the big picture of digital technology use in early childhood.
A world-first study to investigate children’s digital engagement at a population level
The Australian Children of the Digital Age (ACODA) study is documenting and tracking patterns of more than 3000 Australian families and their children from six months to six years of age.
By engaging thousands of families across Australia, we will learn more about how digital technologies are used by young children and understand the impact of technology use.
Visit the study website
The ACODA Wave 2 survey opens for the first cohort of respondents in early October 2024. A second cohort will be invited to complete their Wave 2 survey in February 2025
What does the study involve?
Participants are asked to undertake an online survey each year for four years.
The survey will ask questions about how their child or children aged between six months and six years old engage with digital technologies. Question themes include:
Types of technologies used by the family
Frequency and context of technology use
Caregiver perspectives of technology usage and its influence on children’s health and wellbeing
Demographics (e.g. age, gender, geographic location)