Artwork by South Korean children
In this exhibition, we feature 30 drawings from South Korean children in the cities of Bucheon, Gwangmyeong, and Siheung, showcasing their creative and innovative visions of the future.

100일을 더 살 수 있는 물약 // A potion that will make you live for a 100 more days
It’s a 100 million won potion that will make you live 100 days longer if you drink it once, but people in the future have enough money to buy it.

미래로 갈 수 있는 스마트폰 // Smartphones that can take you to the future
This is a smartphone that allows people who want to see the future to see the future. If you use it a lot, it will explode.

동물들이 편하게 쉴 수 있는 빌딩 // A building where animals can rest comfortably
It’s a building where animals can rest comfortably. People live there, and animals eat, play, and rest.

미래에 내가 돈을 벌 수 있게 해 주는 기술 // Skills that will help me make money in the future
It’s a technology that works in a company. It’s a computer. It’s the bank of the future.

구름 위로 갈 수 있는 타임머신 // A time machine that can go above the clouds
This is a time machine that you use when you want to step on the clouds. It’s a time machine that you step on to go see the clouds, and it’s made of wood.

밭일을 도와주는 로봇 // Robots that help with fieldwork
This is a robot that helps with farm work. It digs the soil, sows seeds, and sprays water. This is a robot that helps with digging the soil. Usually, you need about 6, but I only drew 3. I think it would be helpful to farmers. If you keep pressing the buttons, it breaks.

책의 내용을 미리 알 수 있는 버튼 // A button that lets you preview the contents of the book
It’s a book that lets you know the content in advance by pressing a button. Since my mom reads a lot of books these days, I think it would be good for her to use it. However, if you hold down the button for too long, an error occurs.

1초만에 어디든지 가는 로켓 // A rocket that goes anywhere in 1 second
It’s a rocket that can take you anywhere in one second. Anyone can use it. It helps you not be late for school.

날개 달린 차와 집 // Winged car and house
It’s a car and a house that can fly and move, and you can go back and forth between Seoul and Bucheon. It has a house, a car, and wings, so it can fly. I think it would be good for adults to use, since moving is hard.

뉴스를 볼 수 있는 두 배로 큰 스마트워치 // A smartwatch that’s twice as big as the one you use to read the news
This is the smartwatch of the future that can read the news, but the screen is twice as big as the one we have now. You can read the video. You can read the news outside.

도라에몽에게 받고 싶은 모든 초능력 도구// All the super gadgets you want from Doraemon
Doraemon gives me all the tools I want. He can only give me up to 100 million won, but he can’t give me more than that. He can read my mind and do things for me, and he even has a memory bread that automatically memorizes things when I scan the workbook.

궁전같이 멋진 자동차// A car as cool as a palace
When my mom becomes a grandmother, it will be difficult for her to drive, so I would like to have a car that she can use without having to drive. It may be an expensive car, but I can afford it.

시각 장애인에게 밝은 세상을 주는 해와 달 // The sun and moon that gives a bright world to the visually impaired
Curious children can use it when they want to fly in the sky. Press the button again to come down. Adults can’t use it. Curious children might find it fun, but scared children don’t have to ride it. It’s fast like an airplane. The sun and the moon help people with disabilities who have difficulty seeing see better. It’s so bright that it hurts the eyes of ordinary people when they look at it. We also need technology that allows it to float. The door to the past is for adults. If children use it, they become babies. Once you go there, you can’t come back, and you have to buy a door to the future. I want to go back to when I was in kindergarten.

하늘을 나는 자동차 // Flying chair
It’s a self-driving flying car that can be used by the visually impaired.

문을 열면 가서 편하게 쉴 수 있는 자연 // Open the door and you will find nature where you can go and relax
When you open the door and go in, there is this kind of nature. Cats live there, horses live there, and there are mushrooms and bird nests. You can go up to the tree house with your friends and sister and play. You can go to this room with your family and friends and go into nature. Just rest well, have fun, and come out. I think it might happen in 2~3 years.

초대형 필기도구와 살아있는 풀 // Oversized writing instruments and living grass
If you want to draw big, you can draw with an extra-large pencil. But if you want to erase, you have to erase with an extra-large eraser, not a regular eraser.

로봇이 만드는 천국의 급식 // Robot-made heavenly meals
This is a cafeteria meal made by robots that tastes like heaven. They make the food we want to eat.

AI 로봇 // AI Robot
It’s an AI robot. When you tell it to turn off the lights, it turns them off, and when you tell it to turn them on, it turns them on. I think it would be good for my brother to use it. If my brother uses it, I think he’ll think about living a good life.

게임을 만들어주는 게임기 // A game console that makes games
It’s an AI Nintendo, and it makes games. Nintendo is fun, so it’s fun to play games instead of doing homework. I think it’d be fun to play with my younger sibling.

어린이 혼자 탈 수 있는 안전한 전투기 // Safe fighter jet for children to ride in alone
It’s an autonomous fighter jet, so children can pilot it by themselves. Children from 5 years old can ride it by themselves. It’s for children, so there are no bullets. It’s safe to ride it by yourself. Adults can’t ride it.

할머니와 어린이를 보호하는 로봇 // Robots that protect grandmothers and children
A robot that can help children avoid being kidnapped/a robot with a button that tells you if they are a kidnapper. It can change between automatic and manual. It can also ask mom. It is a robot that helps an old lady collect waste paper. A cat can also ride it.

아침에 일어나면 준비가 다 되어 있는 침대 // A bed that’s ready when you wake up in the morning
The car can be used as a submarine when it falls into water or is in danger. It’s a small cell phone that fits in a small bag. If you fold it too hard, it can break or malfunction. When you’re curious about whispering or if you think your friend is lying, you can read their mind by holding it close. You have to get close to it to use it, and only children can use it. It’s small enough to fit in your pocket. A bed that lets you go straight to school when you wake up, so you won’t be late. You have to sleep with your bag on. If it breaks, you can’t fix it.

미래의 발전된 빌딩 // Advanced buildings of the future
I drew pictures of buildings growing and changing. I drew pictures of tourist attractions and hotel buildings changing. I think some people might be scared because they are tall.

생각 기계 // Thinking machine
It’s a thinking machine. I’ll use it when I work. It helps me think.

할아버지가 된 에디 // Eddie becomes a grandfather
This is Eddie’s bamboo helicopter, now that he’s a grandfather. He uses the bamboo helicopter when he wants to travel. But he has to be careful not to fall into the bird’s nest.

전투하는 미래의 뽀로로 // Pororo of the future fighting
It’s a war between Kraken and Pororo. Eddy and Pororo fight the Kraken with robots.

제트플립 5로 만든 시계 // Watch made with Jetflip 5
It’s a Jet Flip smartwatch. If you fold it too hard and unfold it, it might break. The strap is thick, but if it breaks, it can’t be fixed and you’ll have to buy a new one.

숫자를 누르면 강아지가 나오는 스마트폰 // A smartphone that makes a puppy appear when you press a number
It’s a cell phone that makes puppies appear as many times as you press the number. Once you charge it and the battery reaches 100%, you can’t use it again when it reaches 0%. So you have to think carefully before using it. My mom won’t let me raise a puppy, but I want to raise one.

장애인을 도와주는 만능 로봇 // A versatile robot that helps the disabled
It’s a self-driving car that people with disabilities need. It can even fly.
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